Our alliances
Our strategic alliances with the most important marketing and advertising associations, locally and globally, position us as leaders in our sector

Wideag Latam Group
We are part of a leading global digital marketing community, WideAg. Our network of agencies operates throughout the continent, with bases in Argentina with Blinker, in Brazil with Arabella and Mexico with Capo.
This alliance allows us to give regional scope and projection to all our projects.

We are part of the Argentine Chamber of Advertisers (CAA), which brings together the most important advertising companies in Argentina.
As part of this alliance we share the values of the CAA, promoting responsible advertising and defending freedom of commercial expression.

The Mobile Marketing Association (MMA) is the world’s largest mobile marketing association, bringing together more than 800 companies in 50 countries.
As members of this global alliance we are at the forefront of marketing transformation and innovation through mobile technology.

Admetrics, a leading company in advertising analysis and optimization, has become our strategic ally. Together, we are exploring new opportunities and developing creative strategies to maximize the impact of our advertising campaigns.